Posted on May 7th, 2023
They can be gotten quick and mostly painless if you know how and where to do it.
You can get a passport in a few days if you’re willing to drive to the state department Make sure you have all the required docs ( You will also need your original proof of citizenship document, an acceptable photo id document, and a photo copy of the front and back of each. As well as passport photo which you can acquire at any Walgreens). You have to show proof of international travel within 14 days of your appointment. (Copy of plane ticket, boat ticket, exc…) you will have a meeting before 12:00 and pick up your passport by 3:00 in most cases.
From here you can plan your trip yourself (we will help anywhere we can) or we offer turnkey trips tailored to your interests. You will need to tell us what you want to do, then we do our best to make it happen.
I like to shop the companies app I’m going to fly . I seem to get as good of deal as anywhere. Also, if there is trouble it’s way easier to fix at the airport.
Get any import permits days before your flight. I like to take steak with me. (Local stuff is less quality and very expensive) even with permit you pay duties so be prepared for .40 cent on the dollar of your estimated value. Take a black ink pen for your immigration papers(HAS TO BE BLACK). Trust me on this one. Take one pen for each person going. At the point you need said pen you will be among the most popular people on your flight.
Landing in Belize city airport code(BZE). English is the national language. Our dollar is worth 2 of theirs. Making the exchange easy and is long term set.
At the end of customs a porter will put your luggage on a rolling cart. Each bag requires a 1.00 usd tip. Some guys will try for all they can get cause your new to their customs but this is what is required. After that it is up to you. They take your bags out the doors to a cab. Tell where ever your staying in advance. (Almost all places will have you picked up at the airport. Most for a few dollars but so worth it. Even if it’s just to the water taxi. Driving here is a full contact sport. Let them play bumper cars while you sit in the back. (eyes closed helps) Fair warning most cabs don’t have working a/c systems. With the windows down its usually comfortable.
If you don’t know where to stay we have provided links to places we like to stay. We also provide a few in the city if you need a few days waiting on your final destination.
Belize City:
The Radisson Fort George Hotel and Marina
Caye Caulker:
San Pedro:
Get out of Belize City fast. It’s very rough and some parts can be dangerous(not like Detroit but don’t take chances). The cab drivers know where to go and how to get there safely. Use the cabs you will be fine.
Everywhere around the country except Belize city is paradise. The snorkeling/scuba on the reef throughout the country is second to non on earth. Laid back little pressure due to the size of the reef. Bleach white sandy beaches galore, warm crystal clear waters. It’s common to have more than 50’ visibility underwater all day.
Captain Fabalous is known for finding huge fish and huge amounts of them. Our pictures will back up this fish story. Our boat is fully capable of extreme offshore trips in comfort with the best gear available. With one exception. We refuse to put the latest and greatest fish finding electronics on the boat. Having to push buttons to find fish slows captain Fabalous’s locating fish down. So we took it off and put a simple GPS unit on. We relight on his 40 year carrier fishing the area to find your unbelievable catch. He grew up on one of the furthest out Cayes in Turneffe Atoll.
On the chance you’re looking to go for the record catch we offer overnight trips way out. These waters are rarely fished due to distance from mainland so make sure to come rested for the fight. You will have a room on a nearby Caye so time on the fishing grounds is ample to get your arms worn completely out. And around sunset captain Fabalous transforms into master chief Fabalous. He will cook up some of your catch for the ultimate fresh fish meal. This is a once in a lifetime experience. All the things needed for this trip are provided. Let us know your favorite beer or spirit and we will bring some of that along to. In the event not everyone wants to fish the entire time snorkel trips can be arranged right off shore of the caye your sleeping at.
The Myan ruins are an impressive site to see. There are more than one. All with different things to offer. (Climb to the top if your able. So worth it). I recommend Lamani tours. They take you up a river on boats to a set of ruins. The road to this site is very bad and the river trip is fun. About 45 minutes depending on the captain. Eroll owns the tours service and really takes care of his customers well. On big tour days he even has a Resturant/bar for your enjoyment in the middle of nowhere. The chicken burger is really good.
A cab ride to here is about 120 usd plus the river trip so be prepared. Plan on this being a full day. Bring water.
The Belize city museum is a great way to learn about the country’s history and present for that matter. Lots of cool stuff here. Plan on 1/2 day here. (Add link here to our pickup service here. )
Bring plenty of cash some vendors here only take cash.